The time has been flying by and all the while I have been thinking about posting. It took a small mentioning from a friend to inspire me to make time to do it. Glad I did! The content material I was going to use recently was no longer fresh. With the Lions Arch monument back up I was sure to find something worth talking about. Of course talking with friends is always good for content gathering. It's really enjoyable telling a story from a screen capture and 'looking' for something to talk about (Even if there aren't viewing courtesies only found in Photoshop!).
Lion's Arch Is Happening
Truth be told, it's been a long time since I posted something to the Chronicles because my real life has been busy! Sorry Truthalious readers, it has crossed my mind throughout the week that I may have some people waiting on more. Well, here's something fresh! Ahem...
Bridge To The Monument
Lions Arch is like the capitol of Tyria in Guild Wars 2. Lots of people come here and in the overflow servers you can meet people from other servers different from your own. As my friend Celeste noted, it's common to see Legendaries running around these days. No, not the weapons themselves, I meant players running around with them... As I am finding out, it is extremely difficult to get a Legendary with very little free time on your hands.
Friends In All Sizes
Even if one has only a little free time during the day to play, it's always best to spend it with friends. Friends create memories that warm the heart when you aren't able to spend time with them. Friends are something to be cherished in this life and becoming a person's friend is a beautiful journey in itself.
I randomly saw these two dancing like crazy on the bridge. A Norn woman and Human man. Look at the size difference! They are '-busting out some moves..!' as it says in the game chat when typing the '/dance' emote.
The Truth About Lions Arch
Finally the Lions Arch Statue monument is back up after the Mad King destroyed it last Halloween. Players had to donate supplies to have it rebuilt. Were we all stingy? Is that why it took so long to get it back up? Who know's. I tried donating some stuff, but got lost in what seemed too complicated to figure out at the time. Call me lazy or was it truly not black and white? It would of been nice to just donate materials, but they had to be in stacks (250). What happened to 'take what I got'?
Here is a beautiful screenshot of the lion statue and the fish spitting out water around it. As I was taking this screenshot the true meaning of 'Lion's Arch' came into FULL view. Yes, I totally planned it. I admit it...! It took some screen capturing skills.
Split Stream, Awkward |
Whilst looking for the perfect angle to get the previous screen shot, I came across a UFO in the Tyrian sky. Unfortunately the in game experience did not come with the courtesy of a mosaic blur during this shot, but I provided you with one. Yes, I totally planned this too, I'll admit that also.
Tyrian UFO |
Server Maintenance Can Be Shocking
Among my experiences with the lion statue I was chatting with my guildians (term courtesy of Galonviel) there was server maintenance going on. I am in about five guilds but I represent Gladiator Caelum most of the time (good people, mostly, I don't know about Monsieur though... Just kidding Mon! Haha.).
It was somewhat a shock when I went to reply to what my friend Mon said last. I was no longer in the guild. For that matter, any of my guilds!
I wasn't too worried though. I knew ArenaNet was doing maintenance. But it surely was a surprise to be stripped of all my guilds and find the words, "What is a guild?" sadly brought up when looking for my in game connections! I did find a new emote though. I was randomly looking for one that would fit this screen cap below.
Some Humor
More adventures soon. Please check out my new Photoshop Gallery and Comics Gallery. The Photoshop gallery is full of in game shots that I have filtered of my friends and some cool looking people!
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