Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Random Screen Shots Make Great Comics!

I started using an app called 'Pics art' on my tablet for my comics. I love it! The word bubbles are easy and adjustable in comparison to ms paint... Borders and cropping easy too and there are some great frames! I really enjoy taking random screen shots and trying to figure out what I can say in them. It keeps my wit sharp! Be sure to check them all out!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Who Pays For Quaggan Backpacks...?! Introducing, My Man and Friends.

Guild Wars 2 is a free to play game after purchasing it. No monthly fee. So, how does ArenaNet make money? Their 'Gem store'. They make a lot of things you can buy with gems that are acquired through real money or swapping gold for them. Recently, they started making backpack skins. This one is SUPER popular. Amongst other things, I wanted to introduce an incredible man and some super friends (no, not the DC comic characters).

A Blue and Violet Truth, Screen Shot Spots

Lions Arch Portal Area 

I decided to update my graphics and color scheme for my blog due to the recent change in my character. So I took screen shots last night and found some really great landscape backgrounds. Some really great spots are in the Grove.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Good Omen, On With Friendship

Done with the old and ready for the new, we merged into a new guild. Meeting new friends and trying new events like WvW, Jumping Puzzles and Bounty runs. It's been a fun ride this last week!